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baguio city

They say when you find a twin strawberry you will find your true love. I don't exactly know how that works, but I found one. But I'm still on the journey for looking if it's anywhere true. 

Baguio is a long drive from Manila, but it's worthwhile. Especially when you catch the sunrise during the drive, its so breath taking I forgot to take photos. The Pine Tree Capital of the country will not disappoint, if given the time, I would definitely would have stayed longer.

Visiting Baguio in January is probably the best idea. It's the fresh breeze of the new year and the climate is cold (even in the middle of the day).  It feels good to wear your boots and jacket all throughout the day. So I recommend visiting on the cold days of the years.

I also had the chance of visiting last November, and though the weather was great, it wasn't as cold as it used to. Maybe because Baguio has been crowded with tourists and structures have been popping out everywhere. The road to Baguio is long and winding, its fun and relaxing.  You can literally just sit back and think about life, or nothing really.

The popular places I enjoyed was:

Burnham Park

Camp John Hay

The Mansion

Session Road (where the amazing thrifting happens)

50's Diner


Wright Park (The horses)


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