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 One thing that made me so curious about the secrets of Siquijor was that the whichcraft stories I heard from my childhood. So when I got the chance that I was in Dumaguete, my immediate plan was to get to Siquijor, even just for a couple of hours. I first visited in 2015, I went to a virgin beach at the East side of the island. The first thing that got my attention was the huge church that welcomes every tourists. And although I spent just an afternoon, I knew I was coming back.

In 2016, I got some friends to come with me, we took a tour that would take us in all the beaches of the island. Our first stop was Salagdoong Beach where I dared jump a 20ft cliff into the open water. I was scared that I can see my heart pounding, but I needed the thrill. So I jumped first, with the hopes that I will survive. The thing with me is that I always feel the adrenaline late, so after my second jump, that’s when my knees grew weak. I just swam afterwards. The road was roof with trees with white branches, I don’t know what they are called. But we moved on to Cabugahay Falls where again, I just had to sway with a branch from the corner to the water. It was fun but it wasn’t as exciting as the cliff jumping. I also had fun getting rid of all the dead skin on my feet with the fish spa at the Balete Tree. There were small fishes that would slight pinch your skin, and there were humongous fish that can suck my whole thumb. Of course I’m over reacting. But with a 10php donation, it surely is a great experience, and very relaxing too. For as long as it doesn’t get crowded.

Early this year (2018), I get to return to Siquijor with some of the most unexpected people. One thing lead to another and I could say that it was the most chill visit to Siqui I have ever been. And they love music too, which is a plus for me since I needed to shut up in life and just listen. Some of the chillest people and this time I get the chance to ride a motorcycle around the island. I got the 360 of the entire view. We went to some of the most visited places and I don't know why but the one I enjoyed the most was the one where we got lost while riding. It was a Siquijor not so many could see. The palms and the pines. There was a wider Cabugahay falls to enjoy and a more organized fish spa.  We stayed at a resort at San Juan area which has a long beach ebb. I haven't had the chance to witness another Siqui sunset since it was cloudy and rainy most of that time. But all in all it was one for the books!

Siquijor will always have a special part in my heart, whenever I am there, I get to experience another new adventure. It may seem repetitive and constant, but it's the little adventures that counts the most.


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