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islas de gigantes

Islas de Gigantes is a group of islands across the town of Carles. We managed to book a trip that had food and lodging inclusions. We were just lucky that that promo was extended for our group since there was a misunderstanding in our arrival time and to make up for the hassle we were given a free extra day.  It was indeed a gift from the universe.

When visiting Gigantes, you must leave all your burdens and all your problems because it will give you the peace of mind you are looking for. The boat ride alone will cost you an hour and a half just to reach a sand bar and another 30 minute to reach another island. The first thing we did was hop from island to island, it was so much fun. Especially that we get to share the experience with other tourists but get the privacy of our group at the same time too.  At dinner, was a spread of all the scallop dishes you can think of, scallops were unlimited, and we were so sure we were gonna finish it, but we didn’t. Who were we kidding? I also jumped a cliff, I don’t know why but it’s therapeutic feeling helpless and on air for a couple of seconds. Good thing I double-knotted my bikini before jumping, it could have been an embarrassing misfortune. But it was fun. That’s what’s important.


I also recommend trailing the cave, actually I didn’t expect anything when we decided to visit the cave, the locals just said it was “nice” there, and since we were already at the place, why not. The trail was hard, my chin and my knees meet, literally. But when we reached the cave, I was taken aback.  For the lack of words, I felt overwhelmed. It was too much and I felt so little while I was inside the cave. It was so huge inside, it was a huge hole inside the mountain, and the lights would peak through small roof holes.  Rays of light that left me star-strucked. I haven’t uttered a single word because of how amazed I was. It was cold inside, like there was barely life inside, but it filled my heart fuel to crave more adventures. If the world can offer such beauty, where else can I see such?





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