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  • Writer's pictureLuna Joy de la cerna

Something About Mcdonald's

Living in the Philippines as a child was fun. The only time i get a treat from Mcdo, Jollibee, Dunkin Donuts or any fast food was when it's my birthday or I did good at school. So I gotta make them count. So by the time when I can buy my own lunch in college, i grabbed the opportunity and treat myself almost every week. Yes, I've read how unhealthy it is to eat at fast food. Especially to those who look for their weight and dieting, which I cannot support because I always eat fries. The thing is it must be eaten occassionally to none. But when you're looking for fries and chicken nuggets, you gotta answer. Still, I wouldnt trade home-cooked meals for anything. It's made with love and effort and thats the best thing about home-cooked. But if you're loving far from home, there comes a time that Mcdo saved your pocket and your loneliness. It makes you feel at home or feel as if you're a child again (especially if you bought the Happy Meal.) Also I treasure all those midnight dates for sundaes and burger meals to share. It might be simple, but it counts the most. My parents would always make sure we spend time over sundaes and share bff fries like we actually share it. Thats when i realized how amazing this idea is. That the architecture of this is amazing so that wherever you go all over the world, there is something familar. That's business anyway. And if it for the right reasons (and not pure income only) it's very thoughtful. And I cheers my Large Coke to that.

Because sometimes you have to treat yourself with the fattest greasiest food. You have to drink all of the acid soda. You eat what's unhealthy for your body, but feeds your soul.

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