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  • Luna de la Cerna

You’re Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea

Out of all the tea preferences, we always find a specific flavor that we like. Like in life, there’s always a favorite. The flavor which you always choose. You try and explore all the variety to taste and differentiate it from the rest. You have all this wide range to choose from, may it be peppermint, jasmine, from green to yellow to black, to Earl Grey. Just like coffee really, there’s all this flavor you can choose from. It runs from lattes to cappuccinos to black, from brewed to pressed, from milk to skim to cream or no milk. There’s so much to choose from, but there’s always a favorite.

Funny how some may not like what you like. It’s inevitable. Because there will always be better than what you like. There’s a classier taste, there’s a smoother taste, something with more health benefits. But you still prefer your cup of tea. Because it is your cup of tea.

If there’s one thing I learned from life recently, it’s that favorites change too. As well as all the things in the world. They change. It may mostly appear slowly, but some of it will take you off-guard. Some things do change overnight. So fast you didn’t saw it coming, it’s like you missed a blink and it’s happened already. You cannot control what happens to the rest of the world. What you can control though, is how you react to it. You cannot please everybody too. There will always be someone out there who’ll judge you, will talk behind your back and will challenge you to just fight back. But it’s really up to you. So I suggest you pick your battles wisely. You choose your tea wisely.

Some of us are faced with harder battles but that doesn’t mean we all have to compare and compete. Our true battles are against ourselves. How we haggle everyday life, and how we survive. Some love we lost along the way, and sometimes we lose a part of ourselves too.

Sometimes we fight battles that aren’t ours to fight, because sometimes we love too much. And there is nothing wrong with loving a little too much.

What’s wrong is not loving at all, and worse pretending to love.

That’s one of the many mistakes of this world, giving away fake love for an ulterior motive. More often than not, physical pleasures and gains. And then after all the fun and casualness of it all, it would just be another senseless story to tell your peers. It’s like a competition, but nobody really wins in the end. Call us old-fashioned and boring, but it’s time to grow up and stop acting like unsupervised adults who were given a High and can do anything about it. Because in reality, there is a lot at stake. Our differences are what makes the yin and the yang. We don’t have to act heartless just because we were hurt once.

“You were my cup of tea, but I drink tequila now.”

We have the tendencies to follow the trend, follow what everybody is doing because it may seem natural, because “everybody’s doing it anyway”. Upgrade your life a little by the day. Be that somebody you will be happy with. Progress yourself to be a better person, someone you can be proud of. Not what the world applauds to. After all, there’s a difference between growing up and being mature.

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