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  • Luna de la Cerna

An Open Letter for the Broken

Most often than not, life is hard. It’s tiring to face the day and get along with life when you know deep down something is wrong. Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s the world, or maybe you’re playing the wrong cards.

Anxiety has kept you up all night with a great tendency of crying it all out, thinking that if you cry it all out, and everything will just flow back to normal. You put up a show that everything is alright. It’s when you go on with your day and then it hits you, hits you hard, that you are a mess. It has kept you thinking that you never get it right, it will either be you are too much as a person or you’re not enough. It seems to always end up with the idea that maybe it’s all karma, and the world is just against you. You don’t want to die, but you are tired of either.

But darling, you got to pick yourself up the dirt you are in. The world may not provide you with reasons you need of why things happened the way they did, but you have to look forward, not back. You have to look beyond the pain and sleepless nights. The pot of gold may be far away at the moment, but it will come. Anxiety cannot be controlled, it’s the feeling that something might happen. It’s very uneasy, it makes you twitch and shake.

But what you can do is to find yourself in the things that you love, a cup of tea, or an unlimited brewed coffee, travel, or binge watch your all-time favorites. You take all the temporary saving you can get. We all have that little demon inside that keeps on whispering all the unnecessary shit that keeps us up all night insecure to the bones.

You should feel good. Not the best, but good. Don’t pressure yourself to be all better because that would just be living a pretentious life. Just live, and that would be enough, for now.

In the end, you should thank those who broke you into pieces, because now that you fixed yourself, you know where all your pieces go.

Love is indeed the most amazing thing that exist. But more often than not we only appreciate the wonders if we lived through the pain. And that’s when you prove to yourself, that you stronger, stronger than what you are made of.

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