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  • Luna de la Cerna

The Art of Searching

Life has brought us so many ideas of how we should and should not live our lives. All these stories and standards that we should live up to. Cultures and traditions that lead us to believe that the path we are taking is actually the right one (or the wrong.)

It may seem that we are always looking for answers. Always searching for something or someone to complete us, or even just to satisfy us, even just a bit.

A Calling. Lucky for those who knew what they want eversince they were young. Most of us were asked "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" Some were consistent of their answers whether they wanted to be teachers, nurses and doctors, engineers, a priest, baker, newsanchors, writer, artist and performers, a parent and/or a traveller and a whole lot more. But some of the answers changes everytime someone asks while some just dont know the answer at all. There are also those who were indeed consistent, but changed when they were just about to make the decision, just like me. I have always wanted to be a surgeon, because its exciting opening up a human body and fixing what's broken (especially the heart and brain) I would draw and label the human heart every year at science class like it was my only class. But by the time I needed to be enrolled for college, I chose I totally different course, Architecture.

Some callings we don't decide for instance, but it must be well thought of because you will be investing time, a lot of it.

A Calling as defined by Merriam is a strong desire to spend your life doing. So it would be depressing to be stuck in a line of work you do not love in the first place. Yes, it pays the bills and feed the pet, but does it fulfill you? If we dig a little deeper, we know what we want. And if it's too late, because let's face it we need the money, we can always do it in our extra time. It wouldn't hurt anyone to make ourselves happy.

An S.O. "Love makes us whole again" -Plato

This wasn't just a coincidence that the Greeks has this theory that, long ago, humans had one body with two sets of head, 2 pair of hands and 2 pairs of feet. But we angered the gods and we were sliced in half and seperated from our other selves. That's why we are bound to search for our other half in order to complete us. The reason why when we finally meet our significant other, it makes us whole "again".

It may sound corny and unrealistic, especially imagining how absurd a human with 4 hands and legs would look like, but we couldn't erase the fact that we have someone designed for us. It may seem hopeful and overly optimistic, but maybe the Greeks were right. Some would even spend most of their lives looking.

Sad to say that other searched a hella lot of time and have taken love for granted. Jumping from one person to another hoping that maybe this time it's the one. Can you imagine how mess up that is? That you give away yourself to the first person that shows interest.

Some love stories are just too good to be true that we want something just like that. We have different types and preferences. Some just click right away and there are those who takes time. There is no timeline for love, every one of it is unique in its own way. Just because your friends are getting married and having children doesn't mean that you should too or, same goes around, doesn't mean that it is too early or too late for them to do so. You do your own thing in your own way. Its not a race nor a competition.

We look at others too much we forget to look in ourselves. What do you have that makes you and your s.o. happy? Find and build yourselves up. Encourage and always make them feel loved and appreciated. Love is not a walk-in-the-park kinda thing, because its not all flowers and kisses. It will be a roller coaster ride with tears, and laughter and a lot of petty fights and a series of where-to-eat and what-to-watch. Because in the end of the day, it's what makes you happy that counts. Because it's a beautiful thing to be loved.


"I need to find myself." It's very common that we take a break from anything or anyone that has been a burden that made us lose our selves. And we take our time.

It's sad when we lose a part of ourselves along the way. Especially when we lose a loved one, someone dear to us, or something we hold special. If the life we live doesn't makes us happy anymore. When sadness isn't just a phase. When the tears are the only constant thing or worse, when you are just numb. That kind of thing where you are neither happy or sad, just living. Depression is a prevalent problem, and if we need help. We must ask. No man is an island, because we are social beings, and if we dont find the help we need in our circle, reach out from outside. Maybe you need better friends, the ones that extends a helping hand, a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.

Some are searching for a concrete proof of who they are. Looking for their biological parents. Knowing where you came from takes a big part of knowing yourself better. But this doesn't hold any factor on who you will become. It all depends on you, of who you wanna be in ypur life. And your past have no say on what's your future.

"It's not your fault if you were born poor, but it's your fault if you die poor"

My point is, you didn't lose yourself, you just forgot how it is to be you. you are still there, capable of loving more than you knew you could. Some people might suck it out of you, but its your choice if you wanna be sucked off or not. The truth is, its your choice, no matter how many ideas you get, how many places you've been, how many people you encounter, how many love you lost, how many heartaches you've been through, it will always be your choice to stand the fuck up and move forward.

Life is a beautiful mess, a puzzle yet to be completed with the people that might be the right pieces for you, or maybe not. But at least you tried, you loved, rather than not at all.

So go on, find all the pieces you need. Look for it anywhere you can, never stop looking for reasons to live. Because indeed, it will always be beautiful, especially the boring in betweens.


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